Mediation in civil and commercial


The Act 5/20125, of 6th July, rules mediation in civil and commercial matters as an alternative way to judicial procedures. In Fernández Fuentes Abogados I Asesores, our clients are recommended civil and commercial mediation in those cases that entail complicated judicial processes.

Although its countless advantages in solving conflicts are not always known, mediation facilitates negotiation and communication between the parties. Besides, it allows saving time and reaching more satisfactory and lasting agreements, as they are adapted to the needs of the parties involved.

That is why we recommend resorting to mediation, as long as the parties wish so and understand that this process is possible and appropriate for their purposes.

This process is especially efficient to settle issues such as: conflicts between neighbours, family disputes, claims for damages, disputes between associations, between renters and landlords and, in general, conflicts related to economic activities.